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The City is No Place to Have Children

Children suck and we all know it. They have snotty noses overflowing with germs. They are a symptom of overpopulation. They are expensive and selfish. They have bedtimes. They are needy. They ruin your body and your career. 

Instead, consider a house cat, or a nice succulent. Test out your maternal instincts on something less terrifying.

If you really must have children, please leave. The city is crowded enough as it is, and your snot nosed brats demanding seats on the subway are taking up space. Why don't you just freeze your eggs and wait another decade.

*We don't hate children (they're lovely) but overpopulation is a serious problem and you should not be made to feel guilty over your decision to wait/not have them/just enjoy playing with your friends' kids and then giving them back when they cry*

[Photo via @brandymelvilleusa]

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