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Rent is So Much Cheaper Everywhere Else

Rent is so much cheaper everywhere else because everywhere else is awful. Have you seen Jersey? The rest of the world is just like Jersey only without anything decent near it. We swear.

On the block where you currently live there are three delis, an Italian restaurant, a sushi bar, two dry cleaners, a drug store, at least one high street retail shop, a market, and a florist. Most small towns have less to offer within their county lines than you have on your block. Your family keeps telling you that your hometown is on the up and up but their perspective is severely skewed. 

Maybe someone told you to move to LA. Do you even know how to drive? No, you don't. Or you've heard that Chicago is nice. Chicago is more frigid in summer than the worst New York winter you've ever experienced.

When you pay your city rent, you are paying for convenience: for the option to go see the ballet this evening, to Seamless Thai food at three in the morning, to never designate a driver, to eat one dollar pizza for breakfast, to walk through SoHo on a Sunday morning with a bad hangover and buy an overpriced coffee and a baguette from a patisserie. 

If you leave the city bounds you are subjecting yourself to bad fashion, to loneliness, to spending hours in your car commuting to some awful desk job that your hate, to cookie cutter houses with sad gray stucco and faulty sprinkler systems. If you leave the city you will become the kind of person who likes to talk about the pros and cons of different minivans, who goes to bed early, who owns a full sized television and shops at Walmart. Is cheaper rent really worth that?

[Photo via @brandymelvilleusa]

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