Slutever is Karley Sciortino, a part time blogger, dominatrix, screen writer, and international party girl. Karley, a local NYC internet success story, encourages girl power to all her readers.

Karley now makes videos for and, but her sassy style and knack for talking about sex all started on her blog, Karley writes in a humorous and girly tone that makes the blog come close to being a diary.

Karley tactifully breaks down her feelings and every day happenings into comical summaries on sex, interviews on ‘sex professionals’ and other unique characters, as well as her own love life. Sections on Karley’s personal life are called “Video Memories” and “This Week in Pictures”. These posts include intimate insights in the forms of pictures and videos of friends, boyfriends, and NYC life.

Karley talked about dating with GofG. Her advice to Manhattan gals and nightlifers is,

“the thing about city dating--especially in a city like New York--is that generally people don’t prioritize dating someone who is 'nice.' People care more about dating someone who’s successful, creative, rich or famous. #TruthHurts So when you’re dating in this environment, a lot of the time you either end up being 'the cool one' in the relationship, or (worse) the person dating the cool one. My advice to aim to be the cool one, and let all the boys flock to you. Girlpower!”

Karley started Slutever in 2007 while she was squatting in London with 12 other people. Karley told Guest of a Guest that, “it was the sort of house where it wasn’t out of the ordinary to come home to a living room full of naked people on DMT having ritualistic sex, or a homeless Romanian family baking bread in the kitchen. Literally, both of those things happened.” Such events inspired Karley to document her experiences for her friends. “I never intended it to become what it is now, which is more of a sex diary, and a series of my own investigations into human sexuality.”

[Karley Sciortino, photo via]

Recently, Slutever has become a mini-blog-conglomerate as Karley has been answering advice posts in collaboration with I Don’t Like Mondays, writing and starring in her own web series for Vice, and making short films for Purple.

“I would like to see [Slutever] grow and develop so that I have more people contributing to it. Sort of like a magazine, but where my voice is still at the center of it. I’m also beginning to really like answering advice questions. You know--how should I shave my pubes? What is the best way to dominate my boyfriend in bed? Is pee sterile?--that kind of thing. Not that I’m at all qualified, but people don’t seem to mind so far.”

[Photo via]

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