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Your Opinions On My Life Choices

Tell me more about how it's a good thing that I changed my college major because you thought my old one was dumb. Tell me more about how you never even understood why I went to that college in first place. Tell me everything I have ever done to rub you the wrong way and what I need to work on even though I never asked. No, seriously, I wake up every day wondering what I can do to make you -someone who doesn't even know me - happy. Not everyone is going to like everyone, that's just a fact of life. But to tell someone you how to live their life is just weird. Like, it's weird that you put the energy into thinking about that instead of thinking about yourself, and it's weird that you think they should know what you think of them. It's energetically violating knowing that you're being scrutinized to this extent. We're all guilty of offering unsolicited opinions, but it's something we should avoid. 

[Photo via @colympios]

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