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They quote Nietzsche

Okay, hold up: I don't think all of those who like Nietzsche are sociopaths. But if you were to create a venn diagram of sociopaths and Nietzsche aficionados, there would borderline be just one big circle. If you were to create a venn diagram of people who suck at parties and Nietzsche aficionados, then there would definitely be one big circle. If you understand Nietzsche but don't understand empathy, integrity, or basic human decency, you're a sociopath. If you wait for atrocities to happen with bated breath (e.g. Trump getting elected or murder) just so you can sound smart and quote Nietzsche, you're a sociopath. If you are the culprit of said atrocities just so you can sound smart and quote Nietzsche, you're a sociopath. If you are Nietzsche, you're a sociopath.

[Photo via @galore]

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