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Define Your Intrinsic Worth

There are two ways to define your worth—extrinsically and intrinsically. When you define your worth extrinsically, you are defining yourself by your looks, achievements and performance—and by what others think of your looks, achievements and performance. This is a very hard way to live, as you constantly have to strive to feel like you are okay—and failure is not okay. When you define your worth intrinsically, you define yourself by your inborn eternal qualities—the qualities that don't fade with age. While looks and performance fade with age, intrinsic qualities such as kindness, caring, compassion, goodness, creativity, passion, aliveness, joy, curiosity, courage and integrity can deepen with age. When you define yourself by your intrinsic worth, you are valuing who are, and then what you do becomes an expression of who you are, rather than a definition of your worth as a person.
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