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Pi Yi

One thing that will really sell a cocktail is serving it in
a ridiculous vessel. If you’re sitting by the pool, under a blue sky and gently waving palm trees, and a waiter delivers you
a cocktail served in a hollowed-out pineapple, you can guarantee that everyone else will want one.

30 ml (1 fl oz) white rum
30 ml (1 fl oz) gold rum
45 ml (11⁄2 fl oz) pineapple juice, fresh if possible
3 teaspoons Honey syrup
3 teaspoons Passionfruit syrup
1 dash Orange bitters
Hollowed pineapple, for serving (optional)
Pineapple leaves and maraschino cherries, for garnish

Place the rums, pineapple juice, syrups and bitters in a high-speed blender with 1⁄2 cup crushed ice. Blend at high speed for 5 seconds.

Pour into a hollowed-out pineapple (or large cocktail glass) and top with crushed ice.
Garnish with pineapple leaves and maraschino cherries.

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