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Ace Hotel London Shoreditch

Ace Hotel London Shoreditch
-The latest outpost of the Ace Hotel opened this September in London's trendy Shoreditch area. We were lucky enough to check it out during London Fashion Week and it was listed as one of our must-see spots in our Ultimate Guide to London. -In one of his last interviews before his untimely passing, Alex shared with Surface Magazine his vision of the overseas expansion:
"I think what we do is sort of rooted in humanity. Those core values translate across borders and oceans, and of course there’s nuance and idiosyncrasy between cultures. But I think the core human values translate globally. It’s exciting to take on a new challenge and figure out how to remain true to what you do and who you are in a different context."
 See also: [GofG Does London Fashion Week: Our Quick Guide To Where To Eat, Drink, Stay & Party In London] [Photo via]
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