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2. The Consumer is Finished.

2. The Consumer is Finished. "Today, global stocks sit at their lowest point in 15 months. In Europe, the markets are "in meltdown," as traders flee in fear of a Greek default that would devastate the continent's financial stability. The world's economy is stuck in a race car with a brick on the accelerator chugging full speed towards a ramp overhanging the tempting lip of the double dip recession. I think we can make it! Faster, faster, whee!" [Gawker] Meanwhile, the protestors are still going strong down on Wall Street. TARPOGRAPHY   Wall Street protesters awakened in Zuccotti Park in New York Monday. Hundreds of activists affiliated with ‘Occupy Wall Street’ have been converging on the Financial District for weeks, rallying against the influence of corporate money and other issues. (Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images via the Wall Street Journal)
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