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Pretty Much All of Out Favorite NBC Sitcom Stars and Then Some - Malarious

Pretty Much All of Out Favorite NBC Sitcom Stars and Then Some - Malarious
This summer, CollegeHumor and Malaria No More teamed up to raise money for malaria treatment.  The result?  Malarious, a 24-video series that features 30 comedians, kooky premises, and a lot of promise. Malarious operates on a funny-for-a-fee format, meaning that for a donation of $1 or more, you can watch Nick Offerman throw down a slam poem to bacon, Ellie Kemper criticize puppies, and Tony Hale name all 50 capitals... wrong.  In addition to an awesome advertised line-up (that looks a lot like a round-up of NBC's Thursday night comedy stars), the sketches also feature appearances by the likes of Adam Scott and Chris Pratt. For more information, go HERE! [Photo via]
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