What are your guiltiest pleasures?

What are your guiltiest pleasures? TARA: Jessie and I are beyond obsessed with food. Delicious cozy comforting foods. That would be my biggest guilty pleasure. I don’t even feel guilty about it though so I don’t even want to call it a guilty pleasure. JESSIE: I completely agree. The whole sense of a guilty pleasure is strange. You shouldn’t feel guilty about a pleasure that you’re experiencing. You sprinkle in a pleasure among every day stuff and then you feel entitled to what you’re experience. I love massages and sometimes I feel guilty spending money on it but that’s like my therapy for me.

GofG: It's kind of a way of investing in yourself! JESSIE: Exactly. If you take the time to do the things that are good and whole, it makes you more vibrant to the world.

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