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Interview: Wendy Ezrailson Founder Of Reddz Trading

Andy Warhol, Wendy EzrailsonWe saw a recent post of you with Andy Warhol in your personal Facebook feed. What's going on in that photo? I was a friend of Andy’s before he was nationally known. We connected in NYC when he approached me to talk about my outfit and, of course, my hair. I have several custom paintings he made for me. At the time my husband thought it was a waste of money but I adored them and had the sense to know Andy was building something bigger than himself. That picture is during one of his visits to DC when he visited my then Georgetown store Commander Salamander and met my son who was a baby at the time. I was stepping outside the store doors letting passersby know he was in the store and signing copies of his very first issue of Interview Magazine. Most people didn’t know who he was yet but I have copies those signed items to this day.
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