Sin: You slept 48 48 hours

Wildfox CoutureSolution: Contrary to popular belief, you can not, we repeat can NOT catch up on beauty sleep. You miss 12 hours at the beginning of the week, and we're sad to say you're f*cked for the next few days. Whatever, it happens. Now when the weekend comes along and you decide to ignore all your friends and plans in favor of some quality catch-up time with your cat and your bed, be our guest. Just don't expect to look like sleeping beauty in the morning. Besides aches akin to bedsores, you may pry open your eyes on Monday morning to dry skin, chapped lips, and total bedhead. Need to get it together fast? We've got you covered. Take off your sleep mask, and after flushing your face with some cold water, moisturize with an energizing GinZing pick-me-up from Origins. Take care of chapped lips with a sweet EOS lip balm packed with antioxidant-rich vitamin E, shea butter and jojoba oil, then wake up your skin with Physician's Formula palette of glow pearls. Just a swipe across your face and you look ready to take on the day. Don't forget the lipstick. Light and pink will keep you looking fresh. [Photo via Facebook] Sin: You slept 48 48 hours MSSilk White Eyelashes Breathable Pure Silk Sleep Eye Mask, $10.92; Powder Palette Mineral Glow Pearls, $13.99; Yves Saint Laurent Rouge Volupté, $35; Visibly Soft EOS Lip Balm, $3.99; GinZing™ Energy-boosting moisturizer, $26.50
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