Meat Appreciators Of The World Unite

by Rachelle Hruska · July 22, 2008

    Aussie Burger[Photo via The Butcher Blog]

    A fried egg. Pickled beets. Pineapple rings. Chile mayo. Farm-fresh tomatoes. Guest of a Guest’s Rachelle Hruska. What do these things have in common? They all enjoy topping Australian beef.

    Ha.  I'll admit it.  I like Australian meat.  And American meat, and Italian meat, and; well, you get the picture. The culinary versions of course.  The Butcher's blog is my kind of site. Direct from it's about page:

    "This is a meat appreciation blog, about meat in all of its various incarnations—filet to gristle—and in all of its glory"

    I, like them, just can't understand why someone would voluntarily choose not to eat meat.  I am from the meat capital of the world and, next time I have a roof top BBQ, the meat appreciators over at Butcher's will be invited to try one of my Omaha steaks, marinated in my secret sauce:)  For a great Aussie burger, head over to Ruby's in Soho, Kingswood in the West Village, or the Tanteo estate in Bridgehampton.