The Julia Allison Tumblr Domino-Effect

by guestofaguest · January 18, 2008

    Julia Allison

    "I am 120% sure that I don’t need one more thing I have to update, but I’m all about trying shit out. so. here we go …" And it was with these words that Julia Allison plunged head first into the world of tumblr, a sleek short-form blogging platform. Since then, other media mavens including Gawker alums Doree Shafrir and Alex Balk, as well as a growing number of New York City's literati have adopted this platform as their place for personal rants, lyrical waxing, and what have you. All the cool kids seem to be doing it (we haven't because we aren't cool...yet).

    And Julia wants to take credit. So we asked ourselves, is Julia Allison capable of creating viral tumblr growth beyond just the "dregs of Manhattan media"? Like any good internet myth buster, we put this theory to the Alexa traffic test.


    Our results show that tumblr traffic has pretty much flat-lined over the past 3 months. Sorry Julia, doesn't look good. But you can still revel in your early-adopter status!