"Best $2k I Ever Spent!" Hamptons Summer Share Houses...Who's In? Who's Out?

by Rachelle Hruska · March 10, 2009

    [The quintessential Hamptons Summer share house]

    It's never too early to start thinking of summer.  And, with this year's recession, and a subsequential slow down in summer share houses, we are predicting an even better season for our interns out east (though they have quite the competition to live up to!)  So, who's going to be heading to the Hamptons this year?  We are certain we will be seeing some old favorites such as Mr. Pink Elephant, Team Surflodge, and even La Playa perhaps; but word is there will also be a couple of new faces on the scene.  But will they survive?  Will the infamous share houses that are known to be the #1 proprietors of such nightlife places be able to continue to live up to their summer routines? These are questions that we are curious to get answered, and we will come May.  However, until then, we wanna know...Are you going to be heading out East this summer?

    More photos below....