DBTH's Cry For Help....Give Him Beachy Sunrises Before Summer's End!

by Rachelle Hruska · August 22, 2008

    ram island [Sunrise on Ram Island]

    From: hamptons.guestofaguest.com:

    Today, our friend DBTH did a cute little fluff post on the Ram's Head Inn titled "The Next Surf Lodge?" Bravo, Scott for stepping outside your island, and props for picking the place that is in the running for the best of the bunch out East. However, I'm not sure why you should be the one posting on this piece of old news. You see, I have CONSISTENTLY invited DBTH out East with me this summer, and, he has sadly refused. Opting instead to stay in his LES dungeon counting his baseball cards and hitting up Antik. Well, this weekend, while DBTH was in Atlantic City balled up in a hotel, I was actually ON Ram Island, enjoying the sunrise. See comparison below:

    my sunday sunrisedbth sunday sunrise

    Go HERE to see more photos from my Shelter Island Weekend.

    I may be shilling for Surf Lodge all summer long, but at least I've BEEN there when I post about the place. There's still time! Help me save DBTH's summer before it's too late!