LI Green's Eco-Chic Dream

by Adam Bertrand · July 10, 2008

    In our dabblings into the lives of New York’s elite, we’ve learned that ecology is best served upon a bed of luxury, be it food, fashion, or, as in the case of Hamptons Green Drinks, wine. Started this past December by the LI Green team, Hamptons Green Drinks sets environmental discourse in a convivial, informal atmosphere. Tonight marks the group's first fashion show, held at the Southampton Inn from 6-9, and featuring (mais bien sur), clothing made from organic cotton, natural fibers, and recycled materials from Del Forte, F+F Inc, Mountains of the Moon, Panda Snack, and Ecobags. $15 enables you to watch, browse, and booze it up with organic Vodka 360. Bring your reusable shopping bags!