What is the experience that you want your customers to have?

What is the experience that you want your customers to have?
I am not a restaurant-- I feel I have to specify that I am only a food shop. First and foremost, I hope they enjoy my food. You know? I think I have a beautiful shop, but a beautiful shop is like a beautiful woman-- if you're only beautiful, it is not enough. I dually wish that my clients don't just come in because it's nice to look at, but because they enjoy my food and maybe start to have a craving for my dishes. You come in, all the food is presented in platters and plates, all packaged like the soups and the sauces, but you cannot sit down. It's like a deli-- you have take it outside or go to your boat. It's good for if you're giving a party, or if you want to go to the beach, or if you want to go to your boat and not cook. [Photo via]
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