A few words with Ben Watts
What was the inspiration behind the name, Watts Up Rose?
Well, it’s my name and I have been using it. My photo handle is @wattsuphoto. We just did an exhibition called “Watts up Europe.” You’re going to be hearing a lot Watts Up this, and Watts Up that.
Why did you pick rose?
Rose is a colorful drink, and I’m a colorful person. Rose is a playful drink, and I’m a playful person.
Where is your favorite place to drink Rose?
Out here by the beach.
The Surf Lodge, specifically?
Yeah, The Surf Lodge, I love it. I discovered it [Watts Up Rose] in the South of France. What can I say? We’re the millennials, the biggest wine consumers the world's ever seen... right here in America. So why not here? It suits the climate and the back drop.
Last year, you were only offering your Rose in select NYC and Montauk locations. Are you going to be expanding?
Yeah, this year as you can see the bottle is bigger. Last year was very successful, but this year will be phenomenal. We have big expectations for this summer and so far they are being met.
Do you think Rose is just a summer drink?
There are no rules to Rose, it’s a playful market. If you love Rose like me, you will drink it during the winter. If there are rules to Rose, then we are breaking them!
[Alicia Rountree, Ben Watts via Neil Rasmus/BFAnyc.com, @BFA_NYC]