"Best 2K I Ever Spent!" Beware Of The Cultural Rarities Found Only At Places Like Trousdale

by Emily Green · August 4, 2010

Go HERE for more photos from the night and tag yourself and your friends!

For the inexperienced L.A. club crawler, a venture to one of the city's "hotspots" of the moment could prove to be an overwhelming culture shock. Several anomalies and practices of society exist only within these nighttime hives of debauchery. A recent night at Trousdale reads like an index of things to look out for and be aware of, should you ever set out into the L.A. club jungle...


Herds of males. Ladies, you do not want to find yourselves in the middle of one of these packs.


Lots of misguided fedora-wearing.


Harems. They do exist in the Western world.


Unwelcome vampire impressions.


Guys who clearly use a straightening iron.


Bottle service girls dressed like hookers.


Cock fights.


Challenges to dance offs.


Butt crack flaunting.


Groups in uniform.


The random older guy in sunglasses by himself.


O.C.-like stepfords taking "Jersey Shore" style cues.

Snooki's pouf actually has some steep competition here.
