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Slide #8

One of my favorite rumors that scare parents is the one where they say kids in middle or high school wear all sorts of different colored bracelets to indicate what anonymous sex acts they'd be willing to do for drugs or money. Like most of these rumors, there's not a whole lot of truth to it, but if there was, this girl has really been around the block. I wonder if she can explain what a ZJ is? Humorous sidenote: when I was in middle school, one of my friends' moms was doing laundry and found a small square of colored paper in his pants pocket and became convinced that we were all doing LSD together. Within a week, a parental task force was formed, letters were sent home, and we all had our backpacks searched. The piece of paper, by the way, was a picture of some boobs that he had torn out of a National Geographic. The lesson for parents? Your kids are lamer than you think, so don't stress out.
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