Grand Opening Of PETA's New Bob Barker Building
Where: Bob Barker Building
Who Was There: Stephanie Pratt, Bob Barker, Sasha Grey, Christian Serratos, Fivel Stewart, Kate de Castillo, Patricia De Leon
Other Details: Celebs came out yesterday to see the grand opening of the new Bob Barker-PETA West Coast headquarters on Sunset. Barker of "Price Is Right" fame, has been a die-hard spay and neuter your pets advocate for decades, and donated $2.5 Million to give the building a new art deco facade, cork floors, and a rebuilt public sidewalk. The building will house PETA's media and youth outreach departments....which makes sense, since I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to market
ass-shots to American youth.
[Bob Barker Via]