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LACMA's 2012 Collectors Committee Gala Dinner
Where: LACMA Who Was There: Will Ferrell, Michael Govan, Ann Colgin, Bob Daly, Willow Bay, Robert Iger, Kathy Baxter, Frank Baxter, Victoria Jackson, Bill Guthy, Nadine Rosen, Colleen Bell, Wendy Kaplan, Florence Sloan, Jane Nathanson, Marc Nathanson, Jennifer Smith Hale, Stephanie Steinman, David Nazarian, Lyn Lear, Angella Nazarian, Viveca Paulin-Ferrell, Laura Cunningham, Thomas Keller, Ann Colgin, Jamie McCourt, Jeff Fuller, Carole Bayer Sager, Eva Chow, Michael Chow, Terry Semel, Jane Semel, Norman Lear, Steve Tisch, Carole Bayer Sager, Linda Janger, Jerry Janger. Other Details: Many of LACMA's biggest supporters stepped out Saturday night for the 2012 Collectors Committee Gala Dinner at the museum. Members of LACMA's Collectors Committee whose generous donations contribute directly to the museum's permanent collection are part of the crucial voting process in determining the works acquired for the permanent collection. For their significant contributions, Committee members like Will Ferrell, Michael Chow and Steve Tisch enjoyed the annual gala dinner and viewing of LACMA's newly acquired pieces. [Ann Colgin, Will Ferrell, Viveca Paulin-Ferrell, Joe Wender via]
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