Photographer Rankin Celebrates BritWeek With "Rubbish"

by guestofaguest · May 4, 2011

    Go HERE for more photos by Brent Harrison and tag yourself and your friends!

    Happy BritWeek, everyone! Although it officially started on April 26, BritWeek lasts through May 11 (that's two weeks for those of you keeping score at home), so we still have a whole week to celebrate the contributions of our British imports to the great state of California. Aside from this being the perfect excuse to speak only in the Queen's English for the next week to get your fake accent on par with Gwyneth's, it also means there are a slew of hip events like last night's opening reception of U.K.-born photographer Rankin's new exhibition, "Rankin's Rubbish."

    The event, presented by Belvedere, Ben Sherman and the BritWeek Art program, brought together an eclectic crowd for the very first exhibition at Rankin's eponymous new Melrose gallery. He's made a name form himself with his celebrity portraiture and fashion photography, but for "Rankin's Rubbish" he turns the lens on, well, garbage and everyday refuse. But he makes it look really pretty. It's definitely worth a look and checking out the new gallery space.

    If honoring the contributions of our fellow Angelenos from across the pond means more events where we can check out cool new art while sipping on champagne and cocktails passed around by servers looking super smart in their Ben Sherman gingham shirts, then count us in. Until the next BritWeek event, cheerio!

    Rankin and guest