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This year, the Jubilee Music & Arts Fest (previously known as the Silver Lake Jubilee) was held at its new home of the Arts District in Downtown L.A. In an effort to help keep the Arts District clean, the festival continued its Zero Waste Initiative this year through separation collection bins, compostable food serviceware, and other sustainable solutions.  Fans enjoyed headliners such as The Black Lips and Free Energy while perusing LONDON MANORI jewelery and ogling Ground Sounds watches. The grub and drinks certainly did not disappoint either with food truck and exhibitors from Sushi Pirate, serving delicious sushi and nachos to the thirst quenching Italian ice from Del's Lemonade. Sponsors like Amoeba Music, Uber, and Heineken helped make the weekend possible. Keep clicking through the slideshow for a look at this year's Jubilee Music & Arts Festival and visit our photo gallery for complete coverage.
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