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Someday A Weed Pill Will Make You Skinny
It only seems fair: after spending a lifetime forcing you to compulsively seek out the highest calorie snacks your blunt-addled mind can think of (seriously, I remember mashing graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate chips together once in high school), it's about time weed repaid the favor and helped you shed a few pounds, right? Well, that's the promise of a newly discovered endocannabinoid compound (i.e., it's closely related to pot) that in recent studies allowed lab mice to lose or maintain their weight despite switching to an extremely high-fat, unhealthy diet. Don't start squirting EZ Cheeze on your Nilla Wafers just yet, Karl Lagerfeld, this is all a long way away from being a reality. But even setting aside our own personal ambitions of supreme sloth, isn't anything that would immediately turn the fad-diet industry into Blockbuster Video worth daydreaming about?
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