You Should Know: Jessie Cohan

by Christie Grimm · March 18, 2016

    The second Jessie Cohan walked on to our shoot, before even officially meeting, we knew this girl had to be a stylist. A perfectly pulled together look, stylish but not too stylist, comfortable but not too comfortable - only a professional could have nailed a Goldilocks sartorial situation like this. And as you can imagine, her portfolio does not disappoint either.

    Name: Jessie Cohan
    Occupation: Stylist
    Place of birth: Boston, MA
    Instagram / Twitter: @JessieKCohan
    Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

    What do you actually do all day? Make people look good

    Favorite song growing up? Rock the Casbah

    My biggest secret is… TBD

    Why do you live in Los Angeles? Cause it’s pretty much paradise

    My motto is… TML - Too much look

    My alter ego is… A human rights attorney

    The last drink I had was… Kombucha

    My secret crush is… Amy Goodman <3

    What was your first job? Barista

    If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? Hike + Bath in warm LA light + foliage

    Coming from? Going to? Silver Lake - Here - Yoga (rough life)

    What is your favorite work of art? Too many to name!

    Who should we know? Feel the Bern!