You Should Know: Kassia Meador

by Christie Grimm · March 18, 2016

    Kassia Meador has got the whole Endless Summer thing oh so enviously down pat. A more than rad surfer, she splits her time between catching waves and designing for them with her  collection of almost too cool to just wear to the beach wetsuits. Her new tie dye line of full length suits? Obsessed.

    Name: Kassia Meador
    Occupation: Surfer, wetsuit designer, human, artist, sound healer
    Place of birth: LA, CA  
    Instagram / Twitter: @KassiaSurf / @KassiaSurf
    Zodiac Sign: Aries, Capricorn, Libra 

    What do you actually do all day? Every day is different, I surf when there are waves, design womens wetsuits and other water wear, meditate every morning, shoot pictures and adventure as much as possible and give sound baths monthly. 

    Favorite song growing up? Hard to pick one song but loved “The Dead” and Zeppelin 

    My biggest secret is… It’s not so secret but I just started piano lessons. 

    Why do you live in Los Angeles? I was born and raised here, it’s home and in my opinion the best place on earth.

    My motto is… “EXPLORE, EXPAND” 

    My alter ego is… 

    The last drink I had was… Sunday tequila and blueberries 

    My secret crush is… well then, it wouldn’t be a secret. 

    What was your first job? Tip girl at x-mas tree lot, I was 14 

    If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? jump out of a plane, surf, hike, beverly hot springs. 

    Coming from? Going to? Yoga… a meeting about sonic healing. 

    What is your favorite work of art? LIFE 

    Who should we know?