You Should Know: Liseanne Frankfurt

by Christie Grimm · March 16, 2016

    There's something so so divine about a carefully / carelessly layered arm of uber chic bangles, a hand of stacked rings, or hell, both! This something Liseanne Frankfurt so so gets. With colorful, eclectic pieces that are equal part boho, equal part classic, and will make even the dullest person the life of the party. Check it out - LFrank Jewelry!

    Name: Liseanne Frankfurt
    Occupation: Designer
    Place of birth: Los Angeles, California
    Instagram / Twitter: @LFrankJewelry, @LiseanneFrankfurt
    Zodiac Sign: Libra

    What do you actually do all day? Work, work, work!

    Favorite song growing up? Heart of Gold, Neil Young

    My biggest secret is… I wish I were one of Beyonce’s backup dancers!

    Why do you live in Los Angeles? I followed my husband here from NYC

    My motto is… There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in… Leonard Cohen

    My alter ego is… a combination of Barefoot Contessa & Serena Williams

    The last drink I had was… Tequila with lime juice ice cubes

    My secret crush is… also my not-so-secret crust - Peter Frankfurt

    What was your first job? Designing stationery and selling it to my neighborhood friends in fourth grade

    If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? Spend it outdoors in the ridiculously gorgeous weather!

    Coming from? Going to? Vintage shopping with my daughter, Ines - her sixteenth birthday dinner with family & friends

    What is your favorite work of art? Daphne and Apollo - Bernini @ Galleria Borghese in Rome

    Who should we know? Gregory Parkinson