
1. M.I.A. publicly declares that she's the baddest bitch. It's about time M.I.A came out of hiding. Granted she's not the best singer, but she makes for some great entertainment. This week, M.I.A has been on an extreme "bad girl" bender, releasing her "Bad Girls" music video and flipping the bird at the Super Bowl. With a chorus of "live fast, die young, bad girls do it well," M.I.A not only angered parents and inspired delinquent girls every where, "Bad Girls" also raised political controversy. In this video, M.I.A is featured rap battling and drag racing with Arab men and women, commenting on the stereotypes the Western world has of Arabs. This video could not have dropped at a better time considering Saudi Arabia recently passed a law prohibiting women from driving. Kanye West even tweeted her video, which is interesting since he's currently in the Middle East. Am I smelling a collaboration? [Photo via] [Video via]
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