
6. T.I. is about to release his new album Trouble Man, has a new season of his show and recently weighed in about the controversial issue of ghost writing in the hip-hop world. After Nas' debate on the issue last week, T.I. commented to Global Grind,
"I’ve never done it myself. I’ve never done it. I sat in rooms and I challenge myself with the verses. Bounce them off the minds of people in the room. I've had people write hooks for me and shit, but verses? I've never had anyone do that. If it works for them, then shit, keep doing it, if that’s what it takes. I’d rather have somebody who’s my favorite, collaborate with somebody else and have the best possible project they can have, than do it on their own, and it be some bullshit. As a fan of music, I think as long as the best possible project was delivered to the fans, that’s all that matters."
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