Hilary Rhoda Just Revealed Her Zit Erasing Secret Weapon

by Guest of A Guest · August 17, 2020

    The Maskne struggle is real. No matter how diligent you may be about switching out or washing your mask, you've doubtlessly been faced with a zit situation. Lucky for us all, Hilary Rhoda is here with her model secret! And while it might not be pretty, she swears it works. And honestly, her skin is gorgeous, so who are we to question her!

    Her simple process involves mixing a small amount of Biologique Recherche Masque Vivant with some plain old fashioned baking soda. Apply the muddy concoction to your blemish for about 15 minutes, and voila! Zit no more!

    You so know you're going to try this.

    [Photos via @hilaryrhoda]