Foot Padding

Let's stop pretending that heels can be comfortable. Those Dr. Scholl's inserts, taping our third and fourth toes together, wearing thicker soles - you name it, we've tried it, and it sucked out loud. It's getting hard to grin and bear it while donning a pair of Stuart Weitzman highlanders or Manolo Blahnik stilettos, unless it's for the Instagram. What's an image conscious fashionista to do? Foot padding surgery is supposed to make wearing heels more comfortable. In a nutshell, this procedure consists of injecting fat from your stomach into the balls of their feet. Sounds relatively non-invasive and totally worth the risk if it means you can wear heels pain free. You know what they say, the taller the heel, the closer to God! So does this mean getting this surgery will bring you closer to a religious experience?

[Photo via @manoloblahnikhq]

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