Face Wash

Washing your face in the morning precedes all other skin prep steps, so it's of vital importance to use a gently, sulfate-free cleanser. Furthermore, you should be using a specific cleanser for your skin type. If you have blemish prone or oily skin, Tata Harper's Clarifying Cleanser is a great cooling face wash that's 100% organic and free from toxins. 

If you have combination skin, try Neil's Yard Remedies Palmarosa Facial Wash. It contains Calendula oil, which is a natural antiseptic and anti-fungal remedy that soothes and restores. Palmarosa oil is best known to reduce stretch marks, wrinkles and ageing skin. Its oil-balancing properties are perfect for someone with combination or oily skin.

We love a good environmental face shield - EmerginC's Kombucha Cleanser is great for all skin types and aids in removing environmental toxins. It's also an amazing makeup remover, making this our favorite two in one. For skin on the drier side, we suggest Caudalie's Gentle Cleansing Milk - it's infused with grape seed oil and sweet almond oil that soften the skin and prevent redness. The "milk" is so gentle we use it to remove our eye makeup. This is the most sensitive skin-friendly face wash on our list.

Boscia's Charcoal Jelly Ball has activated black bamboo charcoal that absorbs toxins and leaves skin extremely soft and clear. The cleanser also has Vitamin A, C, and antioxidants. The ball shape is not traditional, but feels great on the face and really clarifies. We suggest using the ball if you have combination or oily skin.

Finally, everyone should have an exfoliator in their bathroom. KORA Organics Exfoliating Cream contains oat flower and bamboo, which gently remove the excess skin cells without damaging or breaking the skin. KORA is a great brand for sensitive skin, and because of the essential oils in this cleanser, your skin is left soft and smooth.

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