Endosphères Therapy

A similarly body-sculpting treatment that's just hit the U.S. market, Endosphères Therapy combines aesthetic results with overall wellness benefits, including the reduced appearance of cellulite, improved blood circulation, increased lymphatic drainage, and relief for minor aches and muscle pain. If you, like me, have been slouching from bed to laptop to couch for a year, this treatment is a must-try.

Utilizing an innovative "Compressive Microvibration system," i.e. a powerful roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres, Endosphères Therapy feels like a deep tissue massage from a robot with spinning hands. It's definitely futuristic - but it feels great.

The device also generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations that aim to rejuvenate, tighten, and tone. Body treatments, which are available at Cryofuel in NYC among other locations, encompass everything from the balls of your feet to your butt to your lower abdominals. While regular sessions are suggested to maintain results, the first one is enough to notice reduced retention from lymphatic drainage and an instantly lifted booty. Plus you'll walk out with the energized feeling of a good massage and zero downtime. 

If you've got a last-minute vacation booked and want to smooth out any dimples before hitting the beach, a couple of sessions in the weeks leading up to it is your best bet. 

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