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A Bright White Smile

So your man's been outside a lot this spring and is getting a nice tan. There's no better way to complement his tan than giving him a bright white smile. Toothpaste is only as effective as it is being used. The Foreo Issa toothbrush is unlike any toothbrush he may have tried. 

Besides being bathroom eye candy, this actually works better than any toothbrush on the market and is designed for strong gums as well. No more bleeding from flossing, it's strong on plaque and soft on gums. Most importantly it'll leave your man's teeth whiter than ever. Planning to commit? Get 2 heads and share!

Foreo has a number of devices to improve your overall appearance. Leading Expert Anthony Sosnicks says these products are the future of our grooming routines. "Technology continues to become more and more sophisticated with these products." Time to add some more electrical outlets in our bathrooms.

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