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Detective Rick Lee, or whatever

Detective Rick Lee, or whatever
Occupy Wall Street has single-handedly launched the career of Detective Rick Lee, even though he already had one.  Yeah, APC Virgin Wool Cardigans don't buy themselves. On his new-found fame:
"“I think it’s funny,” said Detective Lee, who lives on Staten Island. “I’m not a blog guy, so I haven’t really seen a lot of the hipster mentions.” [NYT]
Of course he's not a blog guy. Last time I checked blogs didn't come on a 12 in vinyl. When asked if he thinks the protesters have good fashion sense, Hipster Cop replied with an adamant “no!” (exclamation point arguable) dismissing them as “grunge.” Then he most likely rolled his eyes, kicked a stone and let out a deep sigh. Other quotable gems: When asked what he thought of Radiohead:
"Radiohead? Ugh, they're finished"
When asked if there was a better description than hipster cop:
"Country Gentleman"
See also: [Daily Style Phile: Detective Rick Lee, The Hipster Cop] [You have the right to remain silent, except to compliment me on my vintage tie-clip]
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