New York Lights It Blue To Mark Autism Awareness Month

by EMMA WATKINSON · April 5, 2010

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    Go HERE for more photos by Joshua Wong, and tag yourself and your friends!

    On April 1st, New York lit up blue in aid of World Autism Awareness Day on the 2nd of April and Autism Awareness month. The Empire State building was one of the many iconic global landmarks along with one hundred other structures in over 16 U.S. cities that cast blue lights last Thursday night.-

    “We are excited that these landmark buildings will be illuminated in blue to show support for World Autism Awareness Day and Autism Awareness Month,” says Suzanne Wright, co-founder of Autism Speaks. "Together, we will light the skies like a beacon of hope and ensure that our message of autism awareness will reach millions around the globe.”

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    The new initiative 'Light it Up Blue' has launched its own website that shows how you can participate in raising awareness whether you're a tweeter, facebooker, blogger or even if you want to host your own event. You can then post photos of your event to their community gallery on Flickr. Welcome to charity in 2010!
