YMA Fashion Scholarship Roundtable

by CATHERINE PERIDIS · December 11, 2009

    Go here for more photos by Josh Wong and tag yourself and your friends!

    Last night the YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund held a roundtable discussion about the changing fashion industry. Sitting on the expert panel were, among others, Brian Reyes, Dani Stahl and Patrick McMullan.The YMA Fashion Scholarship Fund is a non-profit association that works to promote the fashion arts and business by providing scholarship and mentorship programs to talented fashion students. Last night's round-table event discussed how the rules of fashion are being constantly redesigned in today's media. The speakers at the event were Brian Reyes - Fashion Designer, Dani Stahl - Style Director at Nylon Magazine, Patrick McMullan - Celebrity Photographer and CEO of PMc, Annabel Tollman - Celebrity Stylist, Stuart Elliott - Ad Columnist for the NYTimes, Alex Gonzalez - CoFounder of AR New York and Abe Gurko - Imeanwhat.com. Moderating the event was Mary Alice Stephenson - Contributing Editor for Harper's Bazaar. A cocktail reception immediately followed the discussion, and the many students in attendance had the chance to mingle with the experts and ask further questions.

    Annabel Tollman, Mary Alice Stephenson   Patrick McMullan

    Abe Gurko                                     Alex Gonzalez

    Stuart Elliott, ?, Brian Reyes