Part 3: Talking With the DKNY PR Girl, Aliza Licht

Aliza LichtOn Getting Hired/Interviewing: Aliza Licht: With regards to setting up an interview and transitioning from one company to another, always have someone call for you. Never make the call yourself. When interviewing for a job, focus on the company itself. For example, if you were interviewing for DKNY, you shouldn't speak so much to the fashion industry in general. Instead, hone in on why you love DKNY. Nothing makes me more upset with the interviewee than when they show that they know nothing. On 'Making It': Licht: No matter what level you're at, you have to go above and beyond. On Coming Out as the DKNY PR Girl (@dknyprgirl): For two years, Licht tweeted her life as a PR girl, but she did so anonymously. Later, when the company decided to reveal her, Licht was nervous to hear from the public. At the conference, Licht discussed what it was like to reveal that she was the DKNY PR girl. "[Tweeting anonymously] got hard... it was burden to sort of be a secret." "Part of me was scared [for the reveal] because what if people didn't like the real person, or if they imagined something different. I know they imagined single, in her 20s, not true...So I was scared [if] people would be like 'What? She has two kids? That sucks!' [But] thank god it was a good reaction, I would've been devastated!" [Photo credit: Claire Peltier]
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