On Monday, September 23rd, New Yorkers gathered at Empellón Cocina in the East Village to toast sustainability with the Rainforest Alliance, an international non-profit working to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. Chef Alex Stupak - named one of Food & Wine Magazine’s Best New Chefs for 2013 - presented innovative Mexican cocktails and hors d’oeuvres featuring Rainforest Alliance Certified™ ingredients. Guests nibbled on mango with peekytoe crab and arbol salsa, green grapes and white gazpacho, chipotle-maple duck breast, chilmole coffee flan with oysters and chicken breast with earl grey mayo, while exploring the benefits of the Rainforest Alliance’s work in communities and ecosystems around the world. Check out scenes from last night’s event below.
Go HERE for more photos from our gallery by Steph Jensen and tag yourself and your friends!