Rihanna N-word

1. Jackie Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Eva Hoeke, resigns after the publication calls Rihanna, "the ultimate niggabitch." That's right along with telling her readers not to send their daughters out looking like this particular Jamaican; she's actually Bajan. Hoeke offered a half-apology about the debacle:
While the author meant no harm — the title of the article was intended as a joke — it was a bad joke, to say the least. And that slipped through my, the editor-in-chief’s, fingers. Stupid, painful and sucks for all concerned... From the bottom of my heart I say it again: we never intended to offend anyone. And I mean that.
Rihanna's fiesty, fiesty response:
@evajackie with the intent of abasement, that made no sense…”NIGGA BITCH”?!….Well with all respect, on behalf of my race, here are my two words for you…FUCK YOU!!!”
Stupid is as stupid does. And Rihanna, you go girl! [Parlour, via HERE and HERE]
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