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Fivestory’s Fashions Night Out Celebration

Fivestory’s Fashions Night Out Celebration
Where: Fivestory Who was there: Guests included Claire Distenfeld, Erica Distenfeld, Rita Distenfeld, Olymia Le-Tan, Annabelle Dexter-Jones, Avis Richards, Fred Distenfeld, Kate Mester, Arielle de Pinto, Richard Born, Michael Olshan, Mark David, Danny Wurwarg, Iays Yuva, Shane Gabier, Reece Solomon, Nicole Vitagliano, Jennifer Vitagliano, and Annie Winger. [Photo: Olymia Le-Tan, Claire Distenfeld, Annabelle Dexter-Jones via BFA] Other details: Katherine Bernard ‏(@Meta_Porter) tweeted:
Pictionary at @FivestoryNY with @claire_fivestory and @olympialetan #fno
[Olymia Le-Tan, Claire Distenfeld, photos via Twitter]
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