[Photos by BILLY FARRELL for PMc]
The swarm of flies at the Calvin Klein Collection Spring '09 Show.
Ever wonder what it's like to be "famous"? Well, imagine this all the time, except the photogs aren't smiling and flashing peace signs at you, they are screaming at you and flashing obnoxious bulbs that send halos into your fields of vision for the hours that follow. It may seem like fun at first, but this is NOT something that you want people. Not that I would know.
To see the actual photos taken from this show, click below:
Front Row, Stephane Fugier, Tom Murry, Kelly Klein, Lauren Hutton, Eva Mendes, Fabien Baron
Bill Cunningham gets in on the action!
Kelly Klein, Lauren Hutton, Eva Mendes
Lucy Sykes Rellie, Tracy Taylor
Serena Williams, Tyra Banks