endalzWhen: Monday, October 26 @ 5:30 PM Where: The Times Center, 242 West 41st St, New York, NY Why: A distinguished panel of medical and scientific experts will lead an informative discussion titled “Reducing Risk for Cognitive Decline in Your 20’s, 30’s and Beyond: What is or isn’t in our control?,” on Monday, October 26, 2015 at the Alzheimer’s Association, New York City Chapter 28th Annual Chapter Meeting. The panel will focus on how the actions we take when we are young (exercise, diet, sleep, etc.) affect our cognitive health as we age. The panel will also discuss if there are ways that we can improve our chances of preserving a healthy brain. This event is supported by Bill and Jane Brachfeld and the RBC Foundation USA. [Details] [Image @Alzassociation]
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