Can you walk us through a typical day for you?
Can you walk us through a typical day for you?
Grace: Each day starts with a giant pot of Nespresso coffee.
Juggling so many different responsibilities, we’ll start the morning by prioritizing what needs to be done first. Usually, it involves processing the previous day’s orders, corresponding with our overseas suppliers, reviewing designs from the technical department, or updating the website.
After the immediate tasks are completed, we’ll take a break and eat lunch together. We’ll keep each other in the loop about what’s going on in our personal lives. We’ll discuss the kids. We’ll talk about upcoming ideas for the site.
In the afternoon, we usually try to focus on PR, social media, customer service, and any financial or legal matters that need to be reviewed. Before we know it, the day has flown by and we each go back to our other full-time job of being parents.