Paper covers a lot of the party and nightlife scene. How has the nightlife scene changed since you first came on it in New York?

Paper covers a lot of the party and nightlife scene. How has the nightlife scene changed since you first came on it in New York? Well, it’s just not New York anymore. It’s everywhere. Downtown in New York used to be a place where, you know, the underground things kind of started with underground culture and a very creative community, and these people can’t afford to live in New York anymore, so they’ve dispersed around. So we kind of follow in America where it happens, so it’s not really about New York anymore, it’s about more of like, a psychographic, and it’s downtown everywhere. So it could be Paris, it could be in London, it could be in Miami, it could be in San Francisco, anywhere. Where is one of the most surprising places you’ve seen a cool scene develop? I think that Berlin in the past 10 years has been super interesting. I haven’t been really to Asia, so I can’t speak with knowledge about Asia, but I think a lot’s going on there. But if I had to – In America, I love LA and I love San Francisco. Those are my 2 favorite cities and if I was younger, I would probably be living out in one of those cities. But I still love New York.
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