What's the best part about growing up in New York City?

There's opportunity in a more corporate sense, and then there's also the fun of New York, like going out and being able to go to cool restaurants and events. But then there's also internships and all these amazing, cool people just walking down the street. 

I love how you're so career-oriented already!
I guess it's kind of stuck in my brain right now because I've been thinking a lot about college...I want to go to the West Coast, but I definitely want to be in a city. 100 percent. I'm such a city girl, I cannot be in a rural environment, in a small town, in a college town. I want to work on my career while in college. I don't want to spend four years just at school. So if I'm going to go to college, I'm going to go to a place where I can also pursue what I want to do after college.

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