What's your go-to trick for making meaningful connections, both personally and professionally?

Make the time to meet in-person. I attribute so much of the success of The PR Net to the relationships I’ve forged, that were made through in-person connections. I know most people are time poor these days but investing in quality IRL time with people and getting to know them (or just fostering the existing relationship) is unbelievably valuable and will be worth it.

How did you make your way to NYC?
It was a fateful group vacation in New York in 2009 that set wheels in motion. I was established and happy in Sydney (where I’d moved as a young adult from New Zealand and was running a PR agency at the time) but had always had the urge to live in London or New York. We spent that week in New York in the most indulgent and exciting ways and it inspired me to make that dream come true. It wasn’t an easy path as I had a business and a life to extricate myself from and would need to start completely from scratch, but I’ve now been here for 13 years – the longest in any city in my life. This city, while it’s left a few battle scars, has definitely delivered the most incredible experiences and opportunities.

[Susan Magrino, Lisa Smith]

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